Uses rifles, and leveling up grants incerased headshot damage. Sharpshooter- The sniper, high damage output, and can kill most enemies in one shot, except big Zeds.Standard holds both in the center, but no sight to go off of, or alternative, where you get a sight, but more recoil. Can deal low to high damage, dependig on the gun you use, usually runs with duel pistols. As you level up, gain more starting ammo, and fire resistance. Burns through smaller Zeds, and does little damage to big enemies. As you level up, amount of explosives you carry increase, and take less explosive damage. (Note: exact opposite for scrake, +25% bullets, -25% explosives). It's worth noting that explosives to 25% extra damage to flesh pounders, while bullets do 25% less. Demolitionist- The explosives expert of the group.As you level up, it can heal more, move faster, and healing syringe recharges faster. Also every 5 levels will give you 1 extra weight to carry weapons. Also, gives alies ammo when they interact with you. ment to clear out large amounts of lower class zeds, and can deal hihgh damage to higher zeds. Support- The support focuses on using shotguns.Can also see invisible Zeds, and health bars when close enough. A soldier that focuses on assault rifles. Commando- The classic class of shooters.